Stuttering can have a big, negative effect on a young child's life. So, too, can having a speech disorder. Early treatment is important for each. So what should …
Free Resource: Carrier Phrases for Stuttering Therapy
Carrier phrases are short, simple “stock” phrases we use to help kids and adults practice their skills and to transfer their therapy gains from single word to …
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Stuttering: will my child recover? Factors that predict recovery and why you shouldn’t wait
About 4% to 8% of children stutter at some point during early childhood (Yairi & Ambrose, 2013). Stuttering usually starts without warning between the ages …
How to help teenagers who stutter (and their families)
Do you remember the joys of being a teenager? Growth spurts. Hormones amok. Peer-pressured to distraction. Painfully self-conscious: How do I look? Should …
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Which books should I use in stuttering therapy with my child? Here are our favourite six kinds, with examples
"Help! I need some ideas!" A common - and understandable - request from parents and other carers when you work with children who stutter. Whether your child is …