When working with school-aged children who stutter, speech pathologists shouldn’t just take stuttering severity measures and ask Mum or Dad for their views.
We should ask the client, too. And not just about stuttering severity. We need to know how the client’s stuttering is affecting his or her life quality out in the real world.
Our Stuttering and Fluency Wellness Snapshot is designed to measure what matters to school-aged clients.
Based on outcomes measured in peer-reviewed research (e.g. Andrews et al., 2016), our self-administered snapshot measures the client’s happiness and satisfaction with speech fluency, social talking experiences and avoidance, and the results of problem-solving efforts in everyday situations.
The three-page snapshot also encourages honest feedback and questions about treatment goals and therapies to help speech pathologists work with the client and their family to tailor stuttering therapy to the client’s needs, goals and concerns.
For more, read our article: School-age stuttering research update: mixing and matching treatments to get results
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